Psynaps Minecraft Server –
Server Name: Psynaps’s Minecraft Server
Server IP:
Server version: 1.13.2
Server modes: Survival, Creative, and others!
Server Hosted by: Self hosted on a super powerful cloud server
Tweet me at @psynapsfx if you have questions or want me to join!
How can I get build permissions?
Twitch Subscribers and Hall of Fame Members get the highest ranks on survival and creative modes. More perks are always added from them too! Subs just ask me or a Mod to unleash your powers!!!
If you want to build, ask me (Psynaps) or mods on the server. Talk to Psynaps or other moderators if you have questions!
See the maps here:
1.) Don’t build on or break other peoples stuff… ever! (no griefing….or trolling)
2.) Build away from others. The world is huge. No one wants to see your house in the way of their beautiful mountain view (even though the mountain is made of blocks)!
If you can’t agree to the rules, don’t connect because we will put you in jail…FOREVER (actually 9 years is as high as the jail addon goes lol).
Commands and Permissions
Game commands here.
Hall of Fame
All the permissions from groups below (eg Subscriber, Builder, default, etc)
<this list under construction>
All the permissions from groups below too (eg Builder, default, etc)
/warp – Warps you to a pre-set location. example: /warp lobby
/tp – teleport to another player
/pet – rock a personal pet that follows you – /pet cow (make you a cow) /pet name (new pet name) /pet hide /pet show /pet menu
/d – Disguise as a mob – /d cow (become a cow) – /und to undisguise
/time set – set the time in creative
/hat access to the /hat command.
/kit tools – Spawn a predefined kit.
/nick – Change your display name. /nick [player] <nick|off>
/land claim – Claim the chunk you are standing in. To unclaim, type /unclaim in the area you claimed. Amount you get is based on rank.
/land map – Toggle the land map display.
/sethome – Sets your home location. You can set multiple homes this way! /sethome [name]
/getpos – Displays your current coordinate location in the world.
/tpa – Request to teleport to another player
Default (starting player)
/help –
The Psynaps Hall of Fame on the MC Server updated here: Server:
— Psynaps (@psynapsfx) February 26, 2015
RT @BrittJustice21: @psynapsfx and I are pushing a baby pink sheep in a minecraft cart. Its so adorable cx
— Psynaps (@psynapsfx) February 26, 2015
Psynaps MC server is live again. Thanks to @apexminecraft !
Updated Server info here:
— Psynaps (@psynapsfx) December 21, 2014
Found this on my minecraft server! @Fluksta8.
Server info page:
— Psynaps (@psynapsfx) September 28, 2014
RT @TempChuckMaster: @psynapsfx on the psynaps minecraft server
— Psynaps (@psynapsfx) September 19, 2014
Neo found his Minecraft pet chicken Pig at the store today. I'm on the PsyFX server now.
— Psynaps (@psynapsfx) June 22, 2014
[Psynaps] New PsyFX Minecraft Server with Minigames, Survival, and Creative
— Psynaps (@psynapsfx) May 30, 2014
I added a video to a @YouTube playlist Import Minecraft Maps into C4D with Mineways
— Psynaps (@psynapsfx) April 25, 2014
I liked a @YouTube video from @psynapsfx Minecraft Intro Giveaway on the LIVE stream by Psynaps
— Psynaps (@psynapsfx) March 24, 2014
I liked a @YouTube video from @psynapsfx Quakecraft Minecraft Mini Game with Psynaps and Friends LIVE
— Psynaps (@psynapsfx) February 17, 2014
New MC video soon…QuakeCraft CoD Trickshot cutscene draft in Wrathful WoW Tier. #Psycraft #WoW #minecraft #CoD
— Psynaps (@psynapsfx) January 26, 2014
Hi-res texture of my Minecraft toon, with my Wrathful WoW tier set! @roflroflnoob
— Psynaps (@psynapsfx) January 21, 2014
Icecrown looks SOOOO cool in minecraft. Next up Lich King battle! @Logdotzip @roflroflnoob @BebopVox #psycraft
— Psynaps (@psynapsfx) December 21, 2013
I liked a @YouTube video from @logdotzip Minecraft Mod Showcase: PsyCraft! THE LICH KING, HEARTHSTONES, &
— Psynaps (@psynapsfx) December 20, 2013